Press & Media

For journalists, editors, and media representatives seeking the latest information on STARTUP AUTOBAHN EXPO2024, this page is the go-to source for press releases, media kits, images, and more.
Every year, media covers STARTUP AUTOBAHN powered by Plug and Play EXPO for innovation outcomes, tech trends, and stories from startups.

Official Press Release


Language: english

File-Type: pdf


Language: german

File-Type: pdf

Das Ziel von STARTUP AUTOBAHN: Nationale wie internationale Jungunternehmer für den Technologie-Standort Stuttgart gewinnen.

Business Insider logoThe words "Business Insider".

Innovation is the future. And the future is written by STARTUP AUTOBAHN, the innovation platform for mobility startups.

Unlike a conventional corporate accelerator, STARTUP AUTOBAHN welcomes multiple sponsor companies and can attract a broader array of more mature startups.

The program has already successfully connected startups with established brands to activate powerful new concepts in areas such as battery charging, supply-chain and materials management, smart mobility, efficient manufacturing, recycling, and enterprise CO2 reduction.

Die STARTUP AUTOBAHN ist eine typisch schwäbische Idee. Mate-Tee und Fritz-Kola gibt es nur, wenn auch etwas dabei herauskommt. Hier wird nicht nur gequatscht, hier kommen die Konzernvertreter mit Budgets.

Vor sieben Jahren etablierte der ehemalige Daimler-Chef Dieter Zetsche in Stuttgart die Innovationsplattform STARTUP AUTOBAHN. Mit 29 Partnern aus der Autobranche und knapp 300 gecasteten Start-ups ist die Plattform die bekannteste ihrer Art in Europa.

Das Ziel von STARTUP AUTOBAHN: Nationale wie internationale Jungunternehmer für den Technologie-Standort Stuttgart gewinnen.

Business Insider logoThe words "Business Insider".

Innovation is the future. And the future is written by STARTUP AUTOBAHN, the innovation platform for mobility startups.


Secure press accreditation now with an advance Press Ticket application, and we‘ll get back to you to confirm your attendance.

Apply for Press Ticket

Collaboration and Media Partnership Inquiries

Want to work with STARTUP AUTOBAHN or become the Official Media Partner? Let‘s talk! Reach out to us for mutual benefits.

Download the Media Partnership Kit

Contact for Press Registration & Media Partnership

Julia Schimpf

PR & Communications Manager

Plug and Play Tech Center

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Get your tickets for our upcoming events

Did you enjoy your attendance at EXPO2024 and would love to take more chances to get involved with the ecosystem? Or did you miss out on our most recent EXPO and are eager to prevent yourself from making the same mistake again? Apply now for one of the upcoming STARTUP AUTOBAHN events throughout the year or a chance to attend our EXPO in spring/summer 2025 as we bring together innovators from around the world, showcasing new technologies and party another round of successful STARTUP AUTOBAHN startups.

STARTUP AUTOBAHN powered by Plug and Play is an open innovation platform that provides an interface between innovative tech companies and industry-leading corporations.

Complete AgendaMain StageStartup StageCross-Industry StageEven more to explore / RoundtablesEven more to explore / Side Events

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